Assisting Charitable Endeavors
2021 ACE Grant Recipients
Family Promise of Gallatin Valley received $3,000 to buy three vinyl egress windows and fire/carbon monoxide alarms.
Milk River Inc in Glasgow received $1,090 to provide Mandt training for direct care professionals.
West Mont of Helena received $2,000 to purchase medical supplies for all facilities.
Montana Wilderness Association in Helena received $2,017 to purchase supplies for trail crew safety.
David Thompson Search & Rescue in Libby received $2,385 to buy a Rescue Alive sled/water rescue jaws for ice rescue scenarios.
Missoula Children’s Theatre received $4,000 to buy a new system of poles that support the fabric panel sets for the touring children's musicals.
Montana Conservation Corps in Bozeman received $1,950 to provide a $150 stipend for participants in need of comfortable safe working footwear.
Immanuel Foundation in Kalispell received $4,170 to replace rubber treads on two flights of stairs at their skilled care center.
Good Samaritan Ministries and Thrift Store in Helena received $10,000 to replace a roof and HVAC units.
Richland Opportunities Inc in Sidney received $3,051 to purchase an alarm system for their Agatha Peer group home.
The Target Range PTO in Missoula received $2,000 to replace pea gravel with unitary tile rubber surfacing at the Target Range School playground.
North Valley Hospital Foundation in Whitefish received $5,000 to buy 250 COVID kit handouts.
Yellowstone Wildlife Sanctuary in Red Lodge received $2,766 to equip two first aid stations with AEDs, first aid kits and associated PPE.
The Great Burn Study Group in Missoula received $1,996 to purchase PPE / wilderness first aid or to supply wilderness first responder training.
A Carousel for Missoula received $892 to get a Philips AED with additional pads and battery.
Whitefish Legacy Partners received $1,080 for three personal locator beacons.
Immanuel Foundation in Kalispell received $6,599 to buy up-to-date safety rails for resident beds at the Immanuel Skilled Care Center.
Missoula Food Bank received $1,188 to purchase N95 masks and home COVID-19 test kits.